Sunday, March 22, 2009

Spring garden planning

Without a doubt, my favorite part of spring is the opportunity to bring my outdoor spaces to life with lots of beautiful color! There is something so rejuvenating and rewarding about planting flowers and tending to them as they grow. I like to plan my planting out so my trips to the nursery are the most productive possible. The two sites below are terrific for researching the different flower varieties that will work with the light, heat, and moisture of your space.

If you have limited space to plant flowers directly in the ground, I urge you to give container gardening a whirl! For the scrapbooker in each of us, planning and creating a pot of coordinating flowers and foliage is a lot like creating a beautiful scrapbook page. Try it and see for yourself!

Happy planting!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I love to plant flowers in both pots and flower beds. I am really looking forward to getting to do that with the boys in the coming weeks!