How and when did you first start scrapbooking?
I started scrapbooking in 2002, just after we moved to Georgia from Canada. We didn't have cable, internet or anything because the neighbourhood was new and they hadn't gotten to our lot yet. I was unpacking and saw a lot of photos sitting in shoe boxes. At the time, I didn't know where to start and just started working on putting pictures together. Those pages are still in my books, but man, they are ROUGH!!! LOL
What is the most important aspect to scrapbooking to you?
The most important aspect for me is remembering the moment - it's all in the pictures and the journaling. I write my journaling like I am speaking to you or telling you a story.
What are your favorite pages to work on?
I would have to say my favourite layouts are the ones dealing with my family and also my scrapbooking retreat pages.
What if anything do you find hard to scrap?
I am having a really hard time with my Wedding Album. I have a few layouts done for it (see the above sketch - black and white one) and I can't seem to bite the bullet to get it started and finished. We celebrate our 10 year anniversary in September and I just keep thinking..."Cyn, you gotta get this album done for that anniversary!" I am just having such a hard time with it.
What kind of camera do you use? Do you love it or hate it?
I have a Canon G9 and I really like it. It is a heavier camera and I like that it is still a point and shoot. One day, I want to invest in a Digital SLR - a CANON of course. I am a Canon Girl.
What do you enjoy most about scrapbooking?
There are so many things I love about scrapbooking - especially the "creating" part of it all. But, probably the top thing I love is the Scrapbooking Retreats I have attended and the people I have met.
I have been to a bunch (the girls know me as the "Retreat Madame") and I even plan two retreats a year up at Camp Skyline in Mentone Alabama. I love to socialize, hang out and just scrapbook with people who love it too! Scrapbookers love to tell their stories and I love to look at people's layouts to get ideas and inspiration. Now, there is one more thing I love about scrapbooking.....ENABLING! I have been the one at the retreat who has taught a "newbie" how to use a cricut and the minute they go home, they get one. Or teach someone how to use ribbon or brads or eyelets or primas on a layout.
Tell us a little about your family.
Ben and I have been together for 13 years, married for 10 in September. We were both born and raised in Ontario, Canada. We relocated to Georgia in September 2002 and have been here ever since. Our son, Nathan, will be 5 on August 16th and starting Kindergarten. He is our pride and joy! The majority of my layouts are of him. He is so smart and he comes up with the funniest things. I am 6 1/2 months pregnant with a little girl who is "scheduled" to be delivered on the 16th of October. We don't have a name for her yet because we can't agree on one. We also have 2 Himalayan Cats - Mowgli and Yoda and 2 Dogs - Molson and Lady.
Tell us about the things outside of scrapbooking that you enjoy.
My main hobby is scrapbooking. I am not sure that I could afford to do anything else! Ha ha ha!
Seriously though, I am an avid reader. I have really gotten into the Twilight Saga, The Sookie Stackhouse Chronicles and the House of Night Series (vampires). But I am also a sucker for anything written by Nicholas Sparks, JK Rowling, Maeve Binchy, Jennifer Weiner. I am also a certified personal trainer/aerobics instructor....sometimes I enjoy working out, sometimes I don't...just like anyone really.
Tell us something about yourself that your Feeling Scrappy friends do not know.
I get really grumpy and irritable when I am hungry or tired. Once I get there, it is hard to get me out of that "funk".
I also get grumpy when I haven't had any "Cyn" time and luckily, Ben understands this and is very supportive about it.
Now on to her favorite layouts - and here is what she had to say about them:
"I have too many favourite layouts....I couldn't choose just 2
Funny thing: They were all Feeling Scrappy SKETCHAPALOOZA Sketches!!! See? This is why I will be a "Forever student" of Feeling Scrappy!"
Ahhhh thanks Cyn!

Cyn...it's so great to learn more about you! Maybe someday I'll make it to a retreat with you!
Sterling Scrapper
Congrats!! It was nice getting to read a little more about you!
Congrats!! It was nice getting to read a little more about you!
Congrats Cyn!! Nice to get to know you better!!
Congratulations!!! :) That is awesome! Love your layouts...
Thanks girls! I am surprised and honoured to be chosen! :)
Congrats to you Cyn! It was nice reading what you wrote and hearind your voice inside my head. :)
Congrats Cyn - LOVE those pages and getting to know more about you :)
Love seeing you here! Congrats! :)
Congrats Cyndi! What an honor! Way to go! It's been too long since we have been to a retreat together...almost a year now! Ugh!
Very cool. Cyn is awesome and I'm so glad to see her featured. Great choice. And Congrat! to Cyn.
Way to go Cyn. I love your LOs. Can't wait to see you again in August!
Congrats Cyn! It was fun reading more about you!
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