A friend invited me to a Creative Memories class in October 1993 right after the birth of my third child. I was hooked from the start. I always loved taking photos and had always put them in albums (the magnetic type- Yuck!). Scrapbooking gave me a wonderful and creative way to put them in the albums and to tell the story.
What is the most important aspect to scrapbooking to you?
I love documenting my family's lives through photos and stories - everything from events to everyday type things.
What are your favorite pages to work on?
Layouts about my kids. They are at a point in their lives where they aren't too cooperative around the camera though.
What if anything do you find hard to scrap?
Although I love taking scenery photos I find those the hardest to scrap.
What kind of camera do you use? Do you love it or hate it?
I have a Nikon D80 DSLR with several lenses and I absolutely love it! I take a lot of sport photos and this camera allows me to zoom into the action and take photos without any of the delays my previous digital cameras had.
What do you enjoy most about scrapbooking?
I love everything about it but I think reliving the memories and the actual creating are my favorite parts. I also love all the wonderful friendships, both in real life and through the internet, I have made because of scrapbooking.
Tell us a little about your family.
My husband Glen and I have been married for 22 years. We live in gorgeous Washington state overlooking the Hood Canal and the Olympic Mountains. We have three kids. Our oldest son will be a senior in college in Massachusetts, our 2nd son will be a freshman in college in California and our daughter will be a sophomore in high school. Our lives have centered around the kids and their activities for so long it will be very strange to have only one at home this year. We also have an aging chocolate lab named Jewel. As a family we enjoy sports and traveling.
Tell us about the things outside of scrapbooking that you enjoy.
I enjoy so many things. I love photography, but I also love quilting and knitting. My daughter just talked me into taking an art class with her. I really enjoy getting reintroduced to drawing and love that we can do it together.
Tell us something about yourself that your Feeling Scrappy friends do not know.
Oh, goodness. I really can't think of anything very interesting. Hmmmm. I was a gymnast as a tween/teenager and have the bad knees and shoulder to prove it.
Here are a couple of Becky's favorite layouts:

Congrats Becky!! I, too, have been truly inspired by both your scrapbooking and your friendship!!
LalalaLOVE Becky!! Always inspiring, always willing to help on my learning journey and very supportive! I am so very happy I have gotten to know Becky over the past year and can call her a friend. I just wish we could meet IRL!!
Beautiful layouts as always Becky! COngrats!
Becky you have some of the most beautiful layouts. I always enjoy looking at them.
What a lovely write-up, Becky! You are definitely someone to get to know :)
Aww you gals are so sweet!
I'm honored to be chosen to be featured by my friends at Feeling Scrappy! :D
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